“Absolutely Mind-Boggling” Massive New Animal Species Discovered in 500 Million-Year-Old Burgess Shale – SciTechDaily

Science News

  1. “Absolutely Mind-Boggling” Massive New Animal Species Discovered in 500 Million-Year-Old Burgess Shale  SciTechDaily
  2. Marine creature dubbed ‘the mothership’ was primordial scourge  Yahoo News
  3. Meet Titanokorys gainesi, Giant Radiodont from Burgess Shale | Paleontology  Sci-News.com
  4. Helmet-headed Cambrian sea monster sucked up prey like a Roomba  Livescience.com
  5. ‘Gasps all around:’ New Burgess Shale fossil sheds light on the evolution of bigness  Yahoo News Canada
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

Source: Science News